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2006-02-26 - 11:43 p.m.

It's late at night and I'm all alone trying to catch the rainbow colored magpies floating in and out of the paisley plaid wallpaper that I'm surrounded by as I sing the songs of life in an off key nasally voice.
It's like summer here with the drone of the basketballs as they busily hide their eggs and wait for sea creatures to find them like The Muppets used to be back when ladybugs were king and nothing actually meant something to a lot of people who really just wanted to usurp all the breathless deities in the room while the band plays on.
But, I know you didn't come here for that and you probably don't know why you're here other than the fact that you can't get enough of me and my freakishly enormous dick.
I guess all I really have to say is "Dream on Motherfucker!!!"

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